Call of duty 2 for x box 360
Call of duty 2 for x box 360



In the beginning do not break the windows and let the zombies break it. Were I destroyed every thing and I came through the back and I was looking up towoard were the window is and I run in to that panel thing that is there and A pops up I press A about 3 timesĪnd i'm at the top of it and I notice one of treyarc's hints while i'm looking around and I see a bent rail (that was treyarc's hint) so I ran to it and what do you know A pops up AGAIN and so i'm up there looking around and I see a broken window well curiousity killed the cat and so I went over there and I saw that dangling thing that actully looked liked a flag so I ran and jumped toward and agin A poped upĪnd I thought that was so cool and is simple to get down because there is a ladder (unless you decide to suicide your choice) and so there is your secret sniping spot for SUMMIT.


I decided to do a team death match on of course SUMMIT and 9 freindlyĬpu's and I decided I was going to try to destroy every thing in that main part and I did (UZI &M60 IT WAS FUN) so then I remembered the GOING TO SUMMIT cheat thats on here and 2 try's later I got it so now that I know how to do it so then I went to that main part Robbers can also kill the cops but once again if they do then the cops can kill them on sight. If the robbers do escape jail, the cops can kill them on sight. If he does obey the cop then the robber will have to go to "the jail" (which would be like the sniper tower on firing range or the moving van on nuketown) and the cops can't kill the robbers that are inside the jail unless they are about to escape. If the robber doesn't go to prone or is facing towards the cop and looks like hes about to kill you then you can shoot him. When a cops does find a robber you say "get down" then the robber has to go to prone and don't face towards the cop. When the game starts, the robbers go out and hide or run around and the cops have to find them. You want an even number to both teams, if there's an odd number of people then robbers get more on their team. It needs to be on search and destroy with eight rounds, and your not allowed to plant the bombs. Perks don't matter (except for ghost or ghost pro), no killstreaks, and no equipment. The robbers are only allowed to use ballistic knives and tomahawks. The cops are only allowed to use shotguns, pistols, and flash bangs. Are the cops and NVA, Troopas, Spetz, etc. Here's a fun game type that you can play with your friends, Cops and Robbers.įirst rule: Black Ops, Op 40, etc. If you do this you could easily make it to round 20+. Always wait til the end of a round before you leave the stage. Keep doing laps around the stage until you have enough points to get the perks and to fix up your weapons. Whenever your ready go bak to your corner and kill the zombie. Keep doing this until the end of the round ( leave 1 slow zombie so you don't start the next round) once you have just the 1 zombie left you can go to the ranbom box and get sum weapons you want. Go bak to the same corner ( you should be far enough ahead of them to be able to turn around and shoot the big group (this is also a way go get alot of points really quick)). Stand there until you are about to be over run, then run a lap around the big screens in the middle of the stage ( make sure the zombies are following you). Step 4: Go to the bak corner infront of the next door. If you havn't found the random box yet buy the M16 ( you will need a machine gun). Step 3: Go to the stage, turn on the power, link the portals, go bak to the stage. Stay there til you have a few thusand points. Step 2: Open the upstairs door then run all the way through to the room with the stakeout. Step 1: Stay in the first room until round 3 or 4 (DO NOT buy any weapons off the wall).

Call of duty 2 for x box 360